You are about to embark on a journey together. You want your marriage to work and your Catholic wedding ceremony to be wonderful. The Catholic Church provides a rich resource of Scripture readings, prayers, vows, blessings, and other alternatives that personally seem appropriate and attractive. During the past forty years, more than nine million couples have used the Together for Life booklet to prepare for their Catholic wedding ceremonies. The information you can explore below is meant to supplement the book and help you during the wedding planning process.
Understanding Your Catholic Wedding Ceremony
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony (formerly The Rite of Marriage)
- The Statement of Intentions
- Declaration of Consent (Exchange of Marriage Vows)
- Blessing and Exchange of Rings
- Nuptial Blessing
1. The Entrance Rite
2. The Liturgy of the Word
- First Reading
- Responsorial Psalm
- Second Reading
- Gospel Reading
- Homily
- Prayer of the Faithful and Creed
3. The Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Preparation of the Altar and the Prayer Over the Gifts
- Catholic Mass Preface
- Eucharistic Prayer for a Wedding
- Wedding Prayer After Communion
4. The Concluding Rite

Resources for Your Catholic Wedding Ceremony
Catholic Wedding Traditions (full article)
Hispanic Wedding Traditions:
Frequently Asked Questions About Catholic Weddings
Getting Married in the Catholic Church FAQs
What are the requirements for getting married in the Catholic Church?
What does the Church teach about a Catholic and non-Catholic mixed marriage?
Should we give flowers to Mary during our Catholic wedding?
(photo credit: prayitno)