Catholic Infertility Webinar by Angelique Ruhi-López and Carmen SantamaríaWhen entering into marriage, many couples do not realize the challenges of trying to have a child. Infertility is a cross that affects one in six couples in the United States. Amid all of the emotions that come with experiencing infertility, Catholic couples face additional confusion, worry, and frustration as they explore the medical options available to them. Recently Ave Maria Press hosted a webinar featuring authors Angelique Ruhi-López and Carmen Santamaría, who experienced firsthand the challenges of infertility.

Angelique Ruhi-López and Carmen Santamaría are the authors of the new book The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples. This resource is the first book to address the medical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of infertility, but also focuses on the particular needs of Catholic couples who want to understand and follow the Church’s teaching on the use of assisted reproductive technology, the most common of which is in vitro fertilization.

As women who walked this road for years, Angelique Ruhi-López and Carmen Santamaría know firsthand the importance of having the support of the Church community. In this webinar they explore how parishes and dioceses can provide much-needed information and spiritual support to infertile couples and those who have experienced miscarriages.

What can you do if you know someone who struggles with infertility?

Quoting from the webinar, the presenters said, “The most important thing we can do is pray for couples experiencing infertility. Not just for them to have a child but that God may give them the grace to continue to bear their cross. We can pray for them to find redemptive purpose in this challenging journey.”

You can view a recording of this webinar on or watch it below.


You can find out more about Angelique and Carmen at The book is available online at Ave Maria Press, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

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