Should We Give Flowers to Mary in Our Catholic Wedding?

Flowers to Mary Catholic WeddingAlthough giving flowers to Mary during a Catholic wedding is not part of the Rite of Marriage, many couples who have a devotion to Mary want to take a moment before the conclusion of the liturgy to offer prayers to Mary as they begin their life together. Mary is a wonderful model of how we are to live out our faith and trust in God.

Couples will often bring a flower to the statue of Mary in the church and offer prayers asking for her intercession. This ritual usually takes place at the end of the ceremony, before the final blessing. You may also be able to choose a Marian hymn such as the “Ave Maria” to be sung during this time. Praying the Hail Mary after laying the flowers before the statue of Mary is a simple way to carry out this devotion. Check with parish guidelines about what options are available to you.

What kind of flowers should be placed before the statue of Mary during a Catholic wedding? While almost any flower would be appropriate for this devotion, the flowers that have a special connection to the Virgin Mary are lilies, roses, the iris, impatiens, marigolds, violets, the May Hawthorn, and many others. Arrange for one of these flowers to be placed near your seats in front of the church so that when the time comes to bring the flowers to Mary, you will be able to pick them up and take them to the statue.

Alternatively, couples can take some time after the conclusion of the ceremony (but before pictures!) to bring flowers to Mary privately in the parish chapel or in the church after the guests have left.

See also “Catholic Wedding Traditions.”

© Ave Maria Press. Adapted from Together for Life.

(photo credit: YaelBeericc)