Together for Life Selection Form

Sixth Edition, Revised with The Order of Celebrating Matrimony
Find the form in Spanish here. (Encuentra el formulario en español aquí.)

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SELECTION FORM for the readings, prayers, and blessings to be used in the liturgy.


Indicate your selections in the proper fields and submit this form to the priest or deacon for his information in preparing for the wedding ceremony.
Read by Presiding Priest or Deacon

The Celebration of Matrimony

In earlier printings of Together for Life, the options are only H13 (now H13a, H14a, H15a) or H14 (now H13b, H14b, H15b). If you are using Form 1, then select H13a or H13b. If you are using Form 2, then select H14a or H14b. If you are using Form 3, then select H15a or H15b.
If you are not celebrating Mass, skip to Nuptial Blessing below.
If you are not celebrating Mass, skip to Final Blessing.
Once you click Submit, you will no longer be able to save or edit this form again.